Significant Performance Failures

If you are a tenant of a registered social landlord (RSL), such as a housing association or co-operative, or if you are a council tenant, you can report a significant performance failure (SPF) to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR).

A group of tenants or an individual acting on behalf of tenants, such as a representative of a registered tenants’ organisation, can also report an SPF to the SHR. Click here to view the SHR information leaflet.

Complaints about your landlord

An SPF is not an individual tenant complaint about services. If you have a complaint, for example if you are unhappy about how your landlord carried out repairs to your own home, then you should raise this directly with your landlord through its complaints procedure. You can get a copy of the complaints procedure from your landlord.

What should I do if I think there is an SPF?

If you think there is an SPF you firstly need to raise the issue directly with your landlord. You should give your landlord the chance to respond within its published timescale and reasonable time to address the issue. If your landlord has not dealt with the issue then you can report an SPF to us.

How do I report an SPF?

To report an SPF, you should complete the form included in this link.  You should tell the SHR exactly what the issue is and demonstrate that it significantly affects a number of the landlord’s tenants. You should also tell them when you raised it with the landlord and how the landlord responded. They will contact you within five working days of receiving your reported SPF to tell you what they will do and their timescales.

What they we do?

They will:

  •  look at the information to decide whether it is, or could be, an SPF;
  •  ask you for further information if they need it;
  •  ask the landlord for information if they need it;
  •  decide whether they need to contact other regulatory bodies;
  •  keep you updated about progress and tell you when they aim to make a decision; and
  •  write to tell you and the landlord our decision and the reasons.

They will decide whether it is an SPF as quickly as possible. The length of time it takes will depend on:

  • how complex the issue is;
  • the amount of information they need to gather and look at; and
  • how quickly they get the information they need.

 For more information on Significant Performance Failures please click here to view the 2022 factsheet.